#Jiin Jiin
zxid · 7 months
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jkjmbtsarmy · 1 month
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✰ 05/23/2024 ✰
⟭⟬💜⟭Daily 🌙iko☀️k⟬💛⟭⟬
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⟭⟬💛⟭Daily 🌙🐥🤍⟬💛⟭⟬
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⟭⟬💜⟭Daily ☀️🐰🖤⟬💜⟭⟬
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———Daily member———
⟭⟬🩷⟭Thursday 🐹⟬🩷⟭⟬
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dragon-subway · 3 months
is there a reason fen’s face is always at least partially covered? the formalwear design for them is really lovely, and it made me wonder about the lore :)
Thank you very much!!
They're not a big fan of people looking at them! Never have been, really. Keeping covered up with loose clothing makes it feel like its not them being looked at but the clothes instead. However people they consider close have seen them without any sort of mask
Fun fact: as a toddler their first use of the force was to mess with people's awareness so they couldn't be seen (to a weak degree butstill a troubling one) - this is actually why the jedi were called to take them in despite their homeworld genrally keeping force sensitive children! Hard to look after a kid you can't find, y'know?
for the non lore reasons its mostly cause i havent got a design for their face i'm happy with and the fact i just really like masked characters ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭
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thesoulspulse · 2 years
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I couldn’t sleep so as per usual I felt the urge to draw to distract myself. I’m still kinda disappointed I didn’t have the energy to make a full version of Pariah Dark but I’ll get around to it eventually. In the meantime you guys voted for Desiree next so here we go! Also, shout out to @dnpanimationstudioclone for brainstorming a few ideas with me that you’re about to see! Be sure to check out their own artwork of Desiree too!
As for my version I wanted to combine the gold in her original outfit with the blue one she wears as a ghost. I had a lot of fun adding a lot more bangles and jewelry like that little nose ring. It took a few tries for me to settle on a look for the lower half but then I got this idea to have it kinda wrap around her spectra tail to mimic the magical smoke that appears when a Jiin/Genie leaves the bottle or lamp where their spirit resides...
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As for her story, it’s a bit darker than the original where she died of old age (likely in her 40′s during that time period which was the average lifespan around that time) and a broken heart. In this version Desiree was more interested in her dancing than anything else, even riches, but even so became very close with the Sultan who promised to grant her every wish as a sign of his adoration. However, the Royal Consort, grew jealous of Desiree and arranged to have her killed after framing her for stealing from the palace. Devastated by this so-called betrayal the Sultan banished Desiree and before he had the chance to discover the truth about what had really happened she was slain by the guards assigned to escort her out of the city that were mercenaries hired by his wife.
And to add insult to injury even after her demise, the Royal Consort hired the services of a sorcerer to trap Desiree’s spirit in a bottle as a Jiin/Genie who could only grant the wishes of others but never her own. That’s why she usually maliciously complies but typically adds a dark twist to punish the greedy, cruel, and ungrateful. There are rare exceptions though where she’ll take pity on someone and grant their wish with no strings attached, usually a young woman that reminds her of herself from a more innocent time. Thankfully, with each wish Desiree grants, she comes one step closer to becoming powerful enough to finally grant one wish for herself and break free from the curse that was placed on her.
What that wish is, who can say...?
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bitchofdarkness · 7 days
New insta story of Yuk Jun-seo aka Bang Jin-ho dropped
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stuffhobicons · 1 year
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❥ jin icons ⸻ ★ like ou reblog, caso pegue algum icon!
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dai5y110 · 5 days
They were playing a game on Bouquet where whoever got the most roses from boy group members, they'd win. Super Junior has had a few moments where they showed they appreciate Girl's Day, even before Heechul and Hyeri became friends. I mean, think about this era, it's 2010, Bonamana is huge, and Girl's Day are a very new girl group from a small company who just bungled their debut despite having extremely talented women. The girls are tirelessly trying to save their brand and group with a very hastily released second single and multiple promotions on different shows to get the public to stop hating them. And their maknae just fell on her ass in front of the entire show and audience. Eunhyuk was SO kind to do this and reassure Minah when she probably wanted to leave and go cry.
Also, if this game were played today, every group would be fired out of a twitter hate cannon so fast it'd make our heads spin. Please let groups be friends again! It was much more fun then!
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lilbot64 · 5 months
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jimin & hobi, dior, fashion week 2023 @twinshadban, paris, 230120
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peacheye · 2 years
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         u got me looking for attention.
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shakuntalasworld · 25 days
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2000s-kpop · 25 days
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girls day lee jiin cyworld
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wontaemins · 26 days
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XX+XY (2022), episode 1
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sitadasi12345 · 1 month
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dai5y110 · 4 days
Minah was fricking hilarious and I hate that antis dimmed her light and made her believe she wasn't any good and not pretty. She's gorgeous, talented, and hilarious equally. She was keeping Girl's Day's name in people's minds with her willingness to embarrass herself to make other's laugh and she has never been given her due diligence for how hard she worked and scratched and clawed to give the group a presence.
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